You don’t have to spend a fortune to keep them safe, you just have to be aware of what it takes.
The vast majority of people comprehensively insure their cars against the possibility of an accident. At the same time, a large proportion (around 70%) of people do not have their children optimally restrained in the car.
Firstly, the seat has to be securely fitted in the car. If you can pull the base of the empty seat sideways more than an inch or so, it has either been accidentally undone or not fitted tightly enough in the first place. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Secondly, make sure the straps are at the right height. Just above or slightly below their shoulders or anywhere in between is fine. Also, check that their straps are free of twists.
Finally, you need to loosen their straps when letting them out, and then tighten them each and every time you put them in. It must be so tight that they cannot get their own arms out. You should test each time by pulling their straps out to the sides, if you can pull it off their shoulders yourself then it is NOT TIGHT ENOUGH.
If you’re not confident, come and see us. It could be the smartest thing you ever do.