Buying the right restraint can be a confusing and expensive process. And yet that’s the easy part. If your seat hasn’t been fitted properly, or if you aren’t using it correctly, you may as well not have bothered.
Modern restraint technology means seats are awesomely safe, if USED CORRECTLY. Yet, hospital records show hundreds of badly injured kids admitted every year as a result of car crashes.
Thousands of hours of crash testing shows that kids are well protected if they are well restrained.
Most northern beaches parents spend thousands of dollars teaching their kids to swim, fencing their pools correctly, and even taking their kids to Nippers.
Realistically however, car accidents are a far, far more likely cause of injury to your child than a pool or the beach. I’m not even talking fatalities here, but things such as spinal injuries, brain damage, fractured bones and trauma to internal organs.
Near enough is simply nowhere near good enough in this regard.
The RMS and the NRMA both recommend getting seats properly fitted, especially for the first time. There is simply too much at stake in not getting it right.